TESS telescope discovered two exoplanets close to the orange dwarf

Analysis of data collected by the TESS space telescope has revealed two more previously unknown exoplanets. They orbit the orange dwarf TOI-836, which is quite close to the Sun.

Orange Dwarf

TOI-836 is located 90 light-years from Earth. The star has a low level of metallicity. Its age is estimated at 5.4 billion years, and its mass and radius are about a third less than solar.

Orange dwarf in the artist’s image. Source: theplanets.org

During the observations, TESS was able to detect periodic decreases in the brightness of TOI-836, corresponding to the presence of two invisible companions. Later, astronomers were able to determine their size and mass.

Hot super-Earth and mini Neptune

The exoplanet TOI-836 b, which is closer to the star, is a super-Earth. Its radius is 1.7, and its mass is 4.5 times the mass of our planet (this gives an average density of 5.02 g/cm3). The orbit of TOI-836 b lies at a distance of only 6 million km from its star, it takes 3.8 days for one rotation. The equilibrium surface temperature of the exoplanet is estimated at 500 °C.

The transit of an exoplanet in the artist’s image. Source: NASA/JPL-Caltech

The second exoplanet TOI-836 c was classified as a mini Neptune. Its radius is about 2.6 times, and its mass is 9.6 times greater than our planet. This gives an average density of 3.06 g/cm3, which indicates the presence of a large amount of light substances in its composition. The orbit of TOI-836 c lies at a distance of 11.2 million km from its star, it makes one rotation in 8.6 days. The equilibrium surface temperature of the exoplanet is estimated at 390 °C.

It is worth noting that astronomers have found variations in transit time TOI-836 с. This indicates that other, as yet undiscovered, exoplanets may exist in this system.

Recall that the TESS telescope recently discovered an ocean planet.

According to https://phys.org

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