Terms of use

Of the Universe Space Tech Website

General regulations

The Universe Space Tech website is a popular science publication about space, astronomy and technology. Founder and publisher is the private enterprise “Third Planet”.

The Website User (hereinafter the User) is an individual who has access to the Universe Space Tech Website (https://universemagazine.com) via the Internet and uses the indicated Website.

These Terms of Use regulate the conditions of use of the Universe Space Tech Website (https://universemagazine.com) and its mobile versions/applications, hereinafter — the Website, following which the User can freely use our website as a visitor or registered user (if technically possible).

The use of our website means the User’s access to this website, viewing and interacting with the elements of the website, visiting the pages/sections of the website by the User, interacting with the Website filling (Table of Contents, content, graphic materials, etc.) and/or performing other actions through the Website.

Please read these Terms of Service carefully before starting to use our website, since they directly define the rules and procedure for the User’s use of our website, including the permitted and prohibited ways of using our website.

We also recommend reading our Privacy Policy, including Procedure Concerning the Use of Cookies.

User Confirmation

By accessing or using the Website further, the User recognizes and confirms to have read and agreed to the Terms of Use, the Privacy Policy and agrees to be bound by these regulations.

By using the Website, the User agrees to be bound by that the Website uses cookies. In addition, the User is informed about the possibilities and ways to disable them in the Privacy Policy, about actions in case of inability to disable them, as well as possible risks of unavailability of part of the website’s functions when they are disabled.

If the User does not agree to all the Terms of Use and/or the Privacy Policy, we recommend to such User to immediately stop using the Website.

Access to the Website and its restrictions

Access to the website on a free basis.

Concurrently, We do not guarantee that the Website or any of its filling (Table of Contents, content, graphic materials, etc.) will always and at any time be available to the User and/or will not contain incorrect display/errors.

The programs and functions of the website can depend on the services of the SIM card operator and/or Internet connection, the format of the content and the compatibility of devices (including mobile) required for use.

We recommend the User to check the availability of the access service in their region with their operator or service provider.

Website can be temporarily unavailable due to maintenance (support) or for other reasons.

In addition, the Organization can terminate access to the entire website or any part of it at any time.

By using the Website, the User recognizes and accepts responsibility for taking all necessary measures to access the Website, including providing access to the Internet on their own.

The User also recognizes and accepts that We cannot and do not guarantee that any filling (Table of Contents, content, graphic materials, etc.) of the Website can not contain probable software viruses and/or other code that can have undesirable or harmful properties.

The User also agrees to be bound by the implementation of all necessary procedures and/or virus checks (including the implementation of antivirus checks and/or other security checks) to ensure compliance of the special requirements of the User and/or the requirements of the User’s devices for the security and reliability of the input and output (reflected) data on the Website and/or the website as a whole.

In addition, the User is responsible for ensuring that all persons who access the Website through the User’s connection have been informed of the Terms of Use and Privacy Policy and that they should adhere to the requirements specified in them.

The Website is intended for people living in Ukraine. That is why We do not note that the filling of the website (Table of Contents, content, graphic materials, etc.) is available on the Website or when going from it, and is appropriate or available in other territories (geographical zones).

If the User has gained access to the Website by external links of a local (other) country, such User performs the specified actions at his/her own risk.

At times, we can restrict (in particular suspend) access to certain elements and/or parts of our website or to the entire website as a whole for technical and/or other reasons.

The Website User should

When using the website, the User confirms that he/she is informed, understands and should:

refrain from actions aimed at overusing the Website, including, but not limited, by intentionally introducing/distributing viruses of various types and/or other data containing malicious code, spam, etc.;

refrain from actions aimed at attempting to obtain unauthorized access or obstructing the proper operation of the website, including, but not limited, the User is prohibited to perform actions to circumvent security software, interfere in the operation of the Website, hack or otherwise disrupt the normal operation of the website and/or any computer systems, server or any other device connected to the Internet;

refrain from downloading, posting, transferring and/or distributing and/or otherwise publishing on the Website any materials that are:

  1. protected by copyright or other intellectual property rule or are derived from such materials, except in cases specified by these rules, or when obtaining permission to use from the copyright owner or licensee;
  2. illegal, threatening, disturbing, offensive, harmful, violating the rights of third parties, defamatory, vulgar, obscene, distorted, false, fraudulent, containing explicit or graphic images of scenes of violence or sexual acts (including, but not limited, sexual violence or threatening acts directed at another person or group of persons), infringing on privacy and/or the constitutional, territorial structure of the state;
  3. restrict or prevent any other user from using and properly performing, according to the Terms of Use, the necessary actions on the Website;
  4. constitute or contribute to behavior that will be a threat/reason for committing a criminal offense and/or the basis for another type of responsibility;
  5. contain viruses or other harmful components (codes, spam), any kind of advertising, or false or misleading facts;

refrain from actions directly prohibited by the Terms of Use and/or the Privacy Policy, as well as the regulations of the current legislation of Ukraine and international law.

Intellectual property rights

If the filling of the website (Table of Contents, content, graphic materials, etc.) does not contain information about the copyright holder and/or licensors, the Organization is such copyright holder and/or licensor of all intellectual property rights on the website, as well as the copyright holder of the filling of the website (Table of Contents, content, graphic materials, etc.) uploaded to it or otherwise legally uses the specified content.

These intellectual property rights are protected by the regulations of the current legislation of Ukraine and the regulations of international legislation, as well as by the relevant agreements (contracts) concluded about this.

We also draw attention to the fact that the Organization is the copyright holder and/or licensor of marks for goods and services, and/or brands uploaded (presented) on our Website or otherwise legally uses these designations, as well as all names, logos, etc. associated with such marks for goods and services and/or brands, if it is not clear or if other information about the copyright holder and/or licensor is not indicated on such marks, logos, etc.

The website User has the right to print one copy and/or download materials from our website only for personal (private) use, and the corresponding copy of the material should contain copyright notices or other information about the copyright holder and/or licensor of such rights.

The User is prohibited to make any changes (updates, additions, etc.) to paper or electronic (digital) copies of any materials that the User has printed or downloaded from our website, as well as the use of any graphic materials (photos, audio, video, etc.) from our website separately from any accompanying text specified on the Website.

When downloading by the User from the website or copying materials by the User from the website, the transfer of rights, licenses, patents or permits for such materials does not occur.

The User is prohibited to use the materials uploaded (published) on the Website in any other way than for personal use (including playback, commercial use, modification, etc.) without obtaining prior written permission/license from us and/or the corresponding copyright holder and/or licensor.

In addition, the User is prohibited to use any part of the filling (Table of contents, content, graphic materials) uploaded (published) on our Website for commercial purposes without obtaining our and/or the corresponding copyright holder and/or licensor permission/license in writing.

If the User prints, copies or downloads any materials uploaded (published) on our Website, in violation of these Terms of Use, the User’s right to use our website is terminated immediately, and such User should return or destroy (at the appropriate discretion of the User) any copies of the specified website materials that were carried out by the User.

The table of contents of the website is allowed to be used only for the purposes specified in this document. Violation of these Terms of Use can constitute a violation of our intellectual property rights or the corresponding rights of our partners and can be the basis to apply to the court to protect these rights.

Data integrity

The filling (Table of contents, content, graphic materials, etc.) on the Website is provided for public information.

We will make every possible effort to ensure the data integrity on our Website, but the filling (Table of contents, content, graphic materials, etc.), as well as comments (if posted), reviews and other materials uploaded (published) on our Website are not intended for persons who should trust.

We do not provide any explanations or guarantees, whether explicit or implicit, that any information is correct, complete or up-to-date, and in the maximum extent provided by applicable legislation, we are not responsible for any loss or damage caused as a result of the User’s trust in the information or any person to whom such User reports this information.

If the User finds any incorrect information on our Website, we recommend you to contact us, and we will make every effort to revise it as soon as possible, if we agree with such inaccuracy.

The Organization has the free right to use, without any compensation to the User, any concepts, ideas, know-how and technologies contained in any message, comments, feedback, suggestions, reactions, etc. of the User, openly sent to us and/or openly published on the Website for any purpose, except in cases where such information will fall under the Privacy Policies.

Meanwhile, the User recognizes and agrees that We are not obligated to use such ideas or materials, as well as that the User has no right to force us to use them.

Conducting competitions, events and/or promotions

The rules and procedure for conducting any competition, event and/or promotion that are organized and conducted by us and/or advertised on our Website, are determined by the relevant rules and regulations on the competition, event and/or promotion posted additionally on the Website.

Links to other websites/social networks (media platforms)

We can establish and post links on our Online Platforms to websites/social networks (media platforms) that are not in the structure of our Organization and/or our partner companies.

If the User intends to use these Websites through such links, such the User needs to review their privacy conditions and their principles of operation of the Website, including the collection of personal data of Users.

We are not responsible for the policies and practices of other companies, and any information that the User provides to such companies is subject to their Privacy Policy.

The Links are not intended to form and do not form legal ties between the Organizer and any third party, as well as obligations or responsibilities on the part of the Organizer for the content, advice, statements, products or services of any third parties (including those published on the websites/pages of social networks (media platforms) of third parties) and any confirmations or guarantees regarding their products and services or activities, their quality or characteristics.

Policy of the processing of the User’s personal data

Policy of the processing of the User’s personal data is determined by the Privacy Policy, which regulates the policy and procedural aspects of the collection, use and dissemination of personal data provided by the User in using the Universe Space Tech Website (https://universemagazine.com) and its mobile versions/applications, which are managed and administered by Third Planet LLC, and is an integral part of the Policy of the processing the Universe Space Tech Website (https://universemagazine.com).

The Privacy Policy is developed in accordance with the provisions of the Laws of Ukraine and taking into account the principles of European legislation on personal data protection.

Age Limitation of Website User

The Website and its filling (Table of contents, content, graphic materials, etc.) are intended for users who are under the age of 16.

Otherwise, the permission to use the Website should be provided to the User by the legal representatives of the User.

We take all technological and organizational opportunities available to us, as well as reasonable actions, to ensure that the use of the Website is carried out by the User who is under the age of 16.

If the User’s legal representatives contact us about the absence of granting the appropriate permission and/or reveal that the User, who is not under the age of 16, is using the website, we can terminate access to the Website for such the User.

Updates of the Terms of Use and the Website

We have the right to change (update) these Terms of Use from time to time without prior notice to the User by posting an updated version on our Website.

We recommend the User to check this section of the website from time to time and pay attention to all the changes (updates) made, since they are mandatory for each user.

We can also update our website from time to time and change its content (Table of contents, content, graphic materials, etc.) at any time.

However, we draw the User’s attention to the fact that any filling (Table of contents, content, graphic materials) of our website can become outdated (irrelevant) at some point, and we are not obliged to update it.

Limitation of liability

We do not want to exclude or limit our liability to the User in any way, where such a restriction would be a violation of the Law of Ukraine.

We are not responsible in cases defined by the Law of Ukraine and the Terms of Use and/or the Privacy Policy.

We are not responsible for the fact that the filling (Table of contents, content, graphic materials) of this website can contain technical inaccuracies or other errors.

This Website and the filling (Table of contents, content, graphic materials, etc.) of the website are provided “as is”, without any guarantees in any form, both direct and indirect, which is fully permitted by the current legislation of Ukraine.

We also disclaim any guarantees or the commercial value or suitability of the website and/or the filling (Table of contents, content, graphic materials) of the website for certain purposes.

We do not guarantee that the Website functions and/or filling (Table of contents, content, graphics, etc.) will work without interference or errors, and that such deficiencies, even if detected, will be corrected, or that this Website and/or the Server providing access to it, does not contain viruses or other malicious components (including codes, spam, etc.).

In particular, we are not responsible for the consequences (including technical, reputational, financial, etc.) caused to the User in connection with the use of our website and/or the filling (Table of contents, content, graphic materials, etc.) of the website.

By using the Website, the User agrees to protect, repair the damage, release us, our officers, employees, partner companies from any claims, obligations, expenses, including, but not limited to, reasonable legal costs arising in any case when such the User uses the Website or posts or transmits any message, information, software or other materials, using the Website.

If the User does not agree with this limitation of liability, We recommend such the User to immediately stop using the Website.

Refusal of the Terms of Use

The User and/or the Organization can refuse to comply with these Terms of Use at any time.

The User can refuse these Terms of Use by deleting (destroying) all materials received/downloaded from our website and/or copies of materials made from the website for personal use and termination of further access to the Website.

We can refuse to comply with the Terms of Use without notice if, in our own opinion, the User violates any terms and conditions of the Terms of Use and/or Privacy Policy by restricting user access to the Website.

The final clauses

These Terms of Use should be regulated and interpreted in accordance with the regulations of the current legislation of Ukraine.

If any part of these Terms of Use becomes illegal, invalid or loses legal force, then this part will be considered autonomous and will not affect the validity and legal force of other regulations of these Terms of Use.

Probable and/or potential evidence of the User’s use of our website for illegal purposes will be transferred to law enforcement agencies.

These Terms of Use constitute the complete agreement between us and the User regarding the terms and conditions of use of this website.

02089, Kyiv, 64, Radystiv str.