Volodymyr Bochkarov, a researcher and popularizer of polar research, died on August 4. The journalist and writer was 84 years old.
This was reported in the National Antarctic Science Center.
“A man of encyclopedic knowledge, with a fine sense of humor, a participant of Antarctic expeditions, a holder of living memory of the history of polar research, he spread this knowledge and developed interest in Antarctica among adults and young people. A member of the Union of Journalists of Ukraine, he was awarded its gold medal “For Special Merits”.
Volodymyr Ivanovych’s heart stopped beating at the 85th year of his life. But almost until his last days he remained active and continued to work”, note in the scientific center.
Volodymyr Bochkarov was the press secretary and head of the Center’s editorial and publishing department for many years. He also founded the Expedition XXI magazine and was its editor-in-chief.
“Volodymyr Bochkarov’s legacy remains in numerous articles and in the book “Solo for Antarctica… with Orchestra” with a fascinating story about the fifth Ukrainian expedition to Antarctica on the ship “Horizon” (2000),” the center adds.
Recall, a scientist and engineer of Ukrainian origin Liubomyr Romankiv died at the 93rd year of life. He authored more than 65 inventions in the field of electronics, including magnetic heads for computer hard disks. He was also an active member of scouting organizations.