What will be the full moons of 2025

In 2025, as in 2024, there will be 12 full moons. Some of them will be micro moons, some will be super moons. We have collected the main facts about them so that you can be prepared to observe them.

The full moon. Source: starwalk.space

A full moon is a phenomenon when the Sun shines at maximum illumination on the hemisphere of the Moon that is facing the Earth. It occurs every 29.5 days and does not affect Earth’s processes, except that nights become particularly bright at this time.

Each full moon has not only the exact time of the maximum phase but also its name. They originated in the United States and are considered traditional for farmers there. However, there is no research to confirm that they were used anywhere before the 1930s when they were first written about in the Old Farmer’s Almanac.

In addition, each full moon has its name for different nations. And, of course, each such event in 2025 will be unique in terms of which constellation and which planets the Moon will be in at that time.

13 January at 22:27 UTC – Wolf Full Moon

The first full moon of the year is traditionally called the Wolf’s, ostensibly because wolves howl especially loudly at this time. In reality, however, these animals signal each other throughout the winter and beyond.

On the night of the Wolf’s Full Moon, the Moon will be in Gemini. Two of the brightest stars in this constellation, Castor and Pollux, will be located next to it, as well as the bright reddish planet Mars, which will be in opposition shortly afterward. In Ukraine, it will be 0:27 a.m. (10:27 p.m. UTC / 5:27 p.m. UTC -5) on 14 January, but if the weather is clear, the conditions for observing will be excellent.

They will be even better in London, where local time coincides with universal time. On the US East Coast, conditions will be worse. The maximum phase will occur at 5:27 p.m. local time (5:27 p.m. UTC). The sun will just dip below the western horizon, while the moon will rise above the eastern horizon.

Wolf Full Moon

12 February at 13:53 UTC – Snowy Full Moon

There’s no arguing with the name Snowy Full Moon because in February there is indeed a lot of snow in the Northern Hemisphere. However, this does not mean that it should fall especially intensely on this particular night.

On the night of the Snowy Full Moon, the Moon will be in the constellation Leo, next to its brightest star Regulus. In Ukraine, the maximum phase will occur at 3:53 p.m. (1:53 p.m. UTC). At this time, the Sun will still be in the sky, but the Moon will appear there in about an hour, depending on your geographical location.

In London, where the time coincides with global time, the conditions will be worse. The maximum phase will be during the day, and the Moon will appear in the sky only at 5:10 p.m. In New York City, the Snow Full Moon will occur at 8:53 a.m. local time. Therefore, it makes sense to observe the Moon on the night of 11-12, especially in the morning –before it disappears behind the horizon.

14 March at 6:55 a.m. UTC – Worm’s Full Moon

Even the authors of articles about the March full moon disagree on which worms gave it its name. It’s safe to say that in Ukraine, as in most of Europe, you won’t see them on this day because it’s still too cold for that.

On the night of the Worm Full Moon, the Moon will cross the border of the constellations Leo and Virgo. But it will be interesting not because of this, but because it will be the first micro-moon of the year. That is, our satellite will appear smaller than usual in the sky at this moment. In addition, there will be a total lunar eclipse on this day, but in Ukraine and Europe, only the penumbra will be visible, and the best places to observe it will be in North America and the western part of South America.

But in New York, you will be able to see the maximum phase of the full moon. It will occur at 2:55 a.m. local time.

Flower Full Moon

13 April at 0:22 a.m. UTC – Pink Full Moon

The Pink Full Moon is said to have got its name not from roses, which do not bloom naturally in April. It is the pink color of the flowers of another plant, the phlox.

On the night of the Pink Full Moon, the Moon will be in Virgo, very close to Spica. It will also be a micro-moon. In Kyiv and London, the maximum phase will be visible because it will occur in the second half of the night.

The US East Coast will be less fortunate this time. The maximum phase by local time will occur at 5:22 p.m. on 12 April, during the daylight hours. The Moon itself will not be visible in the sky at this time. It will rise in Kyiv only two hours later, at 7:33 p.m. (5:22 p.m. UTC / 12:22 p.m. UTC -5).

12 May at 4:56 p.m. UTC – Flower Full Moon

There’s no arguing with the name of the Flower Full Moon. There are indeed a lot of flowers in the second half of spring, but that doesn’t mean they have to bloom on this particular night.

This will be the third and last micro-moon in 2025. The Moon will be in the constellation Libra. In Kyiv and London, there will still be daylight during the maximum phase, and our satellite will appear above the horizon after it has already occurred. It will be even worse on the East Coast of the United States. It will be morning there at this time, so the best time to observe is the night of 11-12.

11 June at 7:44 a.m. UTC – Strawberry Full Moon

The name Strawberry Full Moon is more or less true. But again, this does not mean that strawberries will behave especially on this particular night. During the Strawberry Full Moon, the Moon will be in the constellation of the Ophiuchus.

In Kyiv and London, it will be morning at this time, and the Moon will have time to hide behind the horizon.  But according to New York time, all the events will take place deep in the night – from 10 to 11. Therefore, the conditions for observation will be much better here.

10 July at 8:37 p.m. UTC – Buck Full Moon

It is said that the Buck Full Moon got its name because it is at this time that the males of this genus of ungulates grow horns. But no one has verified the veracity of this statement. This time, the conditions for observing the full moon in Ukraine will be good. The full phase will occur late in the evening when the Moon is already high above the horizon.

The situation will be slightly worse in London, where it will take place shortly before sunset, and the Moon will still be quite low at this time. The conditions will be even worse in New York, where it will happen in the afternoon, and the Moon will appear in the sky just before sunset. It will be in the constellation Sagittarius.

Buck Full Moon

9 August at 7:55 a.m. UTC – Sturgeon Full Moon

The Sturgeon Full Moon got its name from the fish, which are supposedly abundant at this time, although it all depends on the water body. The Moon will be in the constellation Capricornus on this day. In Kyiv and London, it will be morning at the time of the maximum phase, so the best time to observe is the night of 8-9.

But on the East Coast of the United States, the maximum phase will occur around 1 am local time. And this means that the Sturgeon Full Moon will be quite visible here.

7 September at 6:09 UTC – Corn Full Moon

The Corn Full Moon marks the harvest. In Ukraine, its maximum phase will occur on the evening of 7 September shortly after sunset, and the Moon itself will have already risen above the horizon, although not high.

But in London, the maximum phase will occur during the daylight hours, before the moon rises. The situation will be even worse in New York, where it will all happen during the day. At this time, our satellite will be in the constellation Aquarius. The second total lunar eclipse of the year will be observed during the full moon, which will be best seen in Ukraine.

7 October at 3:48 a.m. UTC – Harvest Full Moon

The Harvest Full Moon is another event with a name that doesn’t make sense. Harvesting is indeed completed at this time, but it is not done overnight. And the fruits of agriculture will not be particularly large if you try to harvest them on this particular night.

In Ukraine, the maximum phase will occur at 5:48 a.m., shortly before dawn, when the Moon is preparing to disappear behind the horizon. In London, where the time will coincide with global time, all this will happen in the second half of the night, and in New York, in the first half of the night. The Moon will be in the constellation Pisces, and it will be the first of three supermoons in 2025.

Hunting Full Moon

5 November at 1:19 p.m. UTC – The Hunting Full Moon

Autumn is the season of hunting. And the name of the November full moon is quite appropriate. However, the conditions for observing it on this day will be extremely unfortunate. In Kyiv, the maximum phase on this day will be observed at 3:19 p.m., in London – at 1:19 p.m., and in New York – at 8:19 a.m. It will be light everywhere at this time, but the Moon will not be in the sky.

So the best time to observe the Moon, which will be in the constellation of Aries, is the night of 6-7 or 7-8. It’s worth seeing because it will be a supermoon again.

4 December at 11:14 p.m. UTC – Cold Full Moon

There’s no arguing that the December Full Moon should be called the Cold Full Moon, regardless of the day it occurs. In Ukraine, during its maximum phase, it will already be 1:14 a.m. (11:14 p.m. UTC / 6:14 p.m. UTC -5) on 5 December, and in London, the time will coincide with global time. So the conditions for observing the Moon will be quite good.

Residents of the eastern United States will be less lucky this time. The maximum phase will occur here at 4:14 p.m., and although the Sun will have already set at this time, the Moon will not have risen yet, so you will be able to admire the third supermoon of the year only after it appears in the sky.
