Hubble photographed the globular cluster NGC 6558

The image presented was published by the Hubble Mission support team. It shows a scattering of stars that are part of the globular cluster NGC 6558.

Globular cluster NGC 6558 (photo by Hubble). Source: ESA/Hubble & NASA, R. Cohen

Globular clusters are closely connected by the forces of gravity collections consisting of tens of thousands, hundreds, and sometimes even millions of stars. They orbit the galactic center as a moon and are considered one of the oldest objects in the Universe. Also, globular clusters are characterized by increased density. The average distances between the luminaries in the cluster centers are measured in light days. 

NGC 6558 is closer to the center of the Milky Way than to Earth. The cluster is located at a distance of 23 thousand light-years from our planet in the direction of the constellation Sagittarius this is where the recently photographed supermassive black hole is located). 

Since all the luminaries in globular clusters have approximately the same age and chemical composition, astronomers often use them as natural laboratories to test theories of stellar evolution. The NGC 6558 image was obtained by Hubble as part of research aimed at studying globular clusters located in the center of the Milky Way.

You can also read about how the Hubble telescope managed to photograph a hidden galaxy.

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