Last weekend, the inhabitants of the Earth had a unique opportunity to observe a very beautiful celestial phenomenon: all the planets of the Solar System and the Moon lined up in one line in the Earth’s sky. The next time such a rare connection will occur only in 2040.
It is not surprising that the “great parade of planets” attracted a lot of attention from both astrophysicists and those who just like to look at the night sky. Among them was a team of Italian astronomers. Using four cameras, they created an impressive astropanorama, where you can see all the planets of the Solar System and the Moon in one frame. The shooting was conducted on the morning of June 24 in the vicinity of Rome. It is worth noting that Uranus and Neptune were not visible to the naked eye and would have required binoculars or a telescope to observe them.
Another picture of a rare celestial event was taken on June 25 by Egyptian astrophotographer Osama Fathi near the oasis of El Fayoum. The photo shows five visible planets and the Moon against the background of sand dunes.
Another very spectacular image of the parade of planets was obtained by an American meteorologist. The shooting was conducted on the morning of June 24 in the vicinity of St. Cloud, Florida.
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