Cosmic kiss: How Pluto and Charon were born

Pluto and Charon are an incredible pair of objects orbiting unusually close to each other. In a new study, scientists suggested that this system was formed due to a completely new mechanism for science — the “cosmic kiss”.

Pluto and Charon’s “kiss”. Source:

Pluto and Charon

Pluto and Charon may have formed as a result of a “cosmic kiss.” This is the conclusion recently reached by researchers from the University of Arizona. Calculations show that this is how this incredible system could have formed.

In general, Pluto has five known moons. But it’s Charon that makes it unique. The fact is that it has a diameter only half that of the dwarf planet and is only 19 radii away from it. Together they form a binary system that rotates around a common center of mass, which is between the bodies.

There aren’t many objects in the Solar System that represent something very similar. The closest of the well-studied ones is the Earth-Moon system. Therefore, most scientists believe that all such pairs formed in more or less the same way.

Collision models

The basic model for the formation of the Moon is a collision with an object commonly called Theia. It was completely destroyed as a result of it, the Earth melted, splashes of material flew in all directions. It subsequently assembled in orbit into a newborn Earth’s moon.

The same thing has been suggested for Charon so far. However, the authors of the new study pointed out that all of the above picture holds true for two much more massive objects that interact under much warmer conditions. And of course, that the material of the planets behaved like a liquid when they collided.

However, this should not have been the case for the colder and smaller Pluto and Charon. The calculations show that in this case the structural terrain of the ice and the rocks frozen into it must be taken into account. Therefore, the usual physics models, when the material flies in all directions after the collision and then either gathers together or not, cannot be applied in this case.

Cosmic Kiss

Calculations show that the Pluto-Charon collision was more like a cosmic kiss. It was like they stuck together and spun like that for a while. Then Charon “detached” and moved away to the present distance. At the same time, both bodies regained their shape.

Such a scenario may seem strange, but calculations show that it is the one that can explain well how this system formed. Now the team of scientists wants to continue their research. They are going to find out how tidal forces may have affected the two bodies, as they were very close to each other.

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