Can a new, fifth fundamental force of nature unlock the mysteries of dark matter and dark energy? This question is at the center of modern physics.

Standard model: achievements and limitations
The Standard Model is one of the greatest achievements of science, which describes the four known fundamental forces: electromagnetism, gravity, strong and weak nuclear interactions. However, the standard model explains only about 5% of the matter and energy in the Universe. The rest remains a mystery: about 25% is dark matter, an invisible substance, and another 70% is dark energy, which accelerates the expansion of the Universe.
Mysterious resemblance of the dark sector
One of the biggest questions in cosmology is whether dark matter and dark energy are similar in their effects. Although 25% and 70% seem different, cosmologically they are of similar scales. It could be coincidental, but perhaps there is a connection between them.

Some physicists hypothesize the existence of interactions in the “dark sector” (also known as the “hidden sector”), a hypothetical region where dark matter and dark energy interact with each other. This would explain their similar role in the Universe. However, such an interaction requires a new force that doesn’t affect ordinary matter.
The fifth force of nature hypothesis
The fifth force of nature, if it exists, should be fundamentally different from the four known forces. Scientists put forward various hypotheses, in particular:
- Quintessence, the fifth entity that influences the evolution of the “dark sector”.
- Dark photons, hypothetical particles similar to photons but interacting only with dark matter and energy.
Path to hypothesis testing
To confirm the existence of the fifth force, it is necessary to investigate its subtle effects. Stronger manifestations of such a force have already been ruled out by observations of galaxy clusters, neutron stars, and the expansion of the Universe. Huge amounts of data and more precise measurements are now needed to detect a possible signal.
Unlocking the mysteries of dark matter and dark energy could overturn our understanding of the Universe. The fifth force of nature, if it really exists, could be the key to these discoveries. Future research in cosmology will bring us closer to understanding the deepest mysteries of the Universe.
Earlier we told you about the top 5 unsolved mysteries of modern physics.
According to Universe Today