TOP 7 mysteries of the Universe

There are countless mysteries and riddles in space. Is there alien life? What is the Universe really like and how does it exist? What is inside black holes and what is dark energy? Scientists have been trying to solve many of these riddles for many years. But some mysteries have no explanation yet, and the great minds of all mankind are trying to comprehend the unknown. We have collected the TOP 7 most inexplicable mysteries of the Universe, which still lead scientists to a dead end.

Dark Matter

Distribution of dark matter across the Universe according to the results of numerical simulation. A new study suggests that the effects of dark matter may actually be the result of an open form of gravity. Image: Herschel / ESA

Planets, stars, galaxies and everything we see make up less than 5% of the entire Universe. Scientists believe that 27% is a substance that they call dark matter. This matter does not interact with light or visible matter, but affects it gravitationally on a galactic scale. Based on this indirect evidence, astronomers believe that dark matter is the dominant type of matter in the Universe. But its nature remains unclear.

Dark Energy

Dark energy is not yet explicable

Even more mysterious is dark energy. We already know that 32% of the matter in the Universe is occupied by baryonic and dark matter. What about the other 68% of the Universe? Cosmologists believe that this is dark energy. 

If there is a theory in relation to dark matter that it is responsible for the “gluing” of matter inside galaxies, then dark energy, on the contrary, tries to separate galaxies from each other. Its composition and nature are also unknown.

“We know about the existence and volume of dark energy because we see how it affects the expansion of the Universe. Otherwise, it’s a complete mystery,” NASA scientists explain.

Quantum entanglement

Quantum entanglement is the key to the development of secure and encrypted communication channels of the future. Photo: Unsplash

Albert Einstein once called quantum entanglement “a creepy action at a distance”. He was literally shocked by this discovery. Thanks to this phenomenon, two particles in completely different parts of the Universe can be connected to each other by an invisible force, reproducing the behavior of their partner. At the same time, the distance between them does not play any role — the interaction occurs instantly. In order for particles to connect at such distances, they must send signals that move faster than the speed of light, and this is impossible according to the known laws of physics.

What’s inside black holes?

There may be millions of black holes in the Milky Way. Photo: SciTechDaily

Black holes are regions of space in which the force of gravity is so great that everything near them is pulled in.Even light cannot escape their pull. Scientists predict that there are millions of black holes in our Galaxy, but no one knows what is inside them. It is assumed that after overcoming the event horizon, matter simply shrinks into a singularity — a region of zero size and infinite density. Understanding what’s inside black holes can help explain quantum gravity.

What caused the Big Bang?

What caused the Big Bang remains a mystery to science

The Big Bang is a widely accepted theory of the origin of the Universe. From an almost infinitely dense state, a powerful explosion caused expansion, forming time, space and matter. In a fraction of a second, the Universe expanded from a size smaller than an atom to a size larger than a galaxy and continued to increase and cool. This expansion is still going on and, according to Edwin Hubble, is even accelerating at a fantastic rate. So what caused this Big Bang? Alas, no one knows.

Space Roar

A balloon with an ARCADE tool that detected a mysterious roar from space. Photo: Wikipedia

In 2006, scientists began searching for distant residual signals after the Big Bang in the Universe using the ARCADE tool attached to a huge balloon. The radiometer detected a mysterious residual radio source, which turned out to be about six times stronger than the theory predicted. The powerful signal has caused great confusion among scientists, and they still do not know its origin. This phenomenon is known as “space roar” and remains an unsolved problem in astrophysics.

Cosmic rays

Cosmic rays are particles of high-energy atoms that fall to Earth from space at the speed of light. They are considered harmless because the planet’s atmosphere protects us from them. But they are blamed for the problems of electronics failure in satellites and even equipment on Earth. Scientists are trying to find a solution to this problem. Discovered in 1912, cosmic rays still remain a mystery, as well as the source of their origin.

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