Why humanity returns to the Moon: 4 reasons

On July 20, 1969, humanity experienced a historic moment when astronauts Neil Armstrong and Buzz Aldrin landed the LEM (Eagle) lander on the Moon as part of the Apollo 11 mission. It was the first successful mission that opened the door for further scientific research and space travel. After Apollo 11, there were five more successful astronaut landings on the moon, after which interest in our moon faded for half a century. Now, NASA intends to return to the Moon as part of the Artemis mission.

Moon. Photo: Unsplash

But why, even after 50 years, does our moon remain an object of interest for astronauts to return there? There are several important reasons for this.

Water on the Moon

The discovery of water on the moon opens up new perspectives. Scientists have found water there, which is embedded in the regolith, so we need to determine its amount. Hydration is critical for the future colonization of the moon, but transporting water from Earth to the moon is an expensive and complex process. 

In addition, in areas with high temperatures, water evaporates quickly, making it difficult to use. Thus, studying the distribution and amount of water on the Moon becomes an important task for further research.

Potential of solar energy on the Moon

The moon also has the potential to produce solar energy. Some areas on its surface, known as the peaks of eternal light, are illuminated almost constantly. This makes them ideal for building solar power plants. The use of solar energy can make the moon more suitable for a long-term human stay.

Building a base on the Moon: the next step in space exploration

NASA plans to build a base on the moon as a long-term scientific laboratory. This will allow astronauts to study the surface of the Moon and develop technologies for future space missions into the depths of the Solar System. The location of the base at the South Pole of the Moon was not chosen by chance: this region contains many resources that may be useful in the future.

Improvement of space travel technologies

In addition, scientists are interested in further improving technologies for traveling to the moon. They are looking for ways to improve landing and takeoff from the moon’s surface, as well as developing new methods for finding water and other resources. Cooperation with private companies will also contribute to the development of space technologies.

In general, the Moon remains an object of intense study because of its potential for both scientific research and future settlement. This is a step towards space exploration and preparation for further space travel, including the exploration of Mars.

Earlier, we reported on how China was losing to NASA in the space race for the moon.

According to discovermagazine.com

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