The Hubble Team has released a new image. This time, the space telescope photographed the galaxy ESO 174-1.
ESO 174-1 is one of the Milky Way’s closest neighbours. It is located at a distance of about 11 million light-years from Earth. ESO 174-1 is classified as an irregular galaxy. Outwardly, it resembles a huge cloud. Unlike our galaxy, ESO 174-1 does not have a clearly defined spiral structure. In the Hubble image, you can see only a few threads of dark dust crossing its center.
The ESO 174-1 image was obtained during a program aimed at finding the brightest stars and determining the basic properties of all known galaxies within a radius of 10 megaparsecs from Earth. Parsec is an extra-system unit of measurement in astronomy, equal to 3.26 light-years. It is often used to indicate the distance to objects in deep space, most often galaxies.
Hubble conducts similar observations in 2-3% of its time, when astronomers refocus the telescope on other celestial bodies and it has “free” time. Given the huge number of objects and the fact that many of them can only be seen at certain times of the year, this is a very difficult task. Nevertheless, engineers have managed to successfully establish orbital logistics, which allows getting the most out of every minute of the telescope’s observation time.
Earlier we talked about how Hubble saw the tentacles of the jellyfish galaxy.
According to
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