The satellite showed how Russia steals grain from Ukraine

New satellite images from Maxar show two ships standing in the Crimean port. They are loaded with something very similar to grain stolen in Ukraine. All this is happening against the background of the ongoing blockade of the Ukrainian Black Sea ports.

Ukrainian grain is loaded onto a Russian ship. Source: Maxar Technologies

Grain carriers on satellite images

Maxar satellites continue to monitor the war in Ukraine. This time their attention was attracted by Russian cargo ships in the Crimean ports. Two of them — “Matros Pozynich” and “Matros Koshka” — are grain carriers, and experts suspect that they are exporting Ukrainian grain.

The photos are dated May 19 and 21. It is impossible to say exactly where the grain was grown, which is loaded onto ships. However, on the eve of the Ukrainian authorities have repeatedly stated that the harvest is being massively exported from the territories occupied by Russian troops. And this is happening against the background of a humanitarian catastrophe, which has also been repeatedly confirmed by satellite images.

In addition, Crimea has never grown enough grain for export. Therefore, everyone is sure that the Russians are taking out exactly what they stole from the Ukrainian villagers. Earlier, the course of the “Matros Pozynich” was already tracked in the Mediterranean Sea. It was unable to unload the stolen grain either in Turkey or in Egypt. And only the Putin-friendly regime of Bashar al-Assad helped to realize what was illegally acquired.

Ukrainian grain and the Black Sea Fleet

All of the above is happening against the background of the global food crisis caused by the war. The situation is very similar to what happened with the launch of heavy satellites due to the shortage of Antonov aircraft. Ukraine and Russia are the two largest grain exporters in the world.

In particular, humanitarian missions around the world depend on Ukrainian grain, where poor land cannot feed the population. Hunger threatens several hundred million inhabitants of the planet. At the same time, the Russian Federation continues to block Ukrainian ports, despite UN appeals.

Even the destruction of the flagship of the Black Sea Fleet does not stop Russia from continuing its aggression at sea. And the world is facing a very difficult choice: to buy from the aggressor, helping it in the war with Ukraine, or to refuse, condemning many people to starvation.

According to Е

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