Scientists make a plan for “first contact” with aliens

One of the unsolved mysteries of the Universe remains the problem of proving the existence of extraterrestrial life. Some scientists and experts believe that humans are not alone in the Universe, and sometime in the future humanity will receive a long-awaited signal from an alien civilization, which will eventually lead to the first contact. This prompts an acute question about what we will do when alien life tries to get in touch?

Sometime in the future, humanity will receive a long-awaited signal from an alien civilization.

Researchers from the University of St. Andrews have a plan that will help to try to communicate effectively with aliens. They reportedly created a new international center to prepare humanity for what they believe is about to happen. 

SETI Post-Detection Hub

The international center was named SETI Post-Detection Hub, which stands for Search for Extra-Terrestrial Intelligence. According to a press release from the University of St. Andrews, it will be a joint effort of experts from around the world.

SETI Post-Detection Hub

According to Dr. John Elliott, a researcher at the University of St. Andrews and SETI Hub coordinator, the SETI Post-Detection Hub team will try to create any possible methods of communicating with an extraterrestrial civilization through the information collected in the hope of preparing in advance for the appearance of alien life. Scientists are not sure when this may happen: perhaps the search will take dozens of generations, and perhaps it could happen tomorrow.

“Will we ever receive messages from an alien civilization? We don’t know. We don’t know when it will happen either. But we know for sure that we must be ready for the first contact: scientifically, socially and politically. This event can become a reality tomorrow,” Elliot explained.

Past preparation attempts

In addition, communication is one of the mission priorities defined by the SETI Post-Detection Hub. The team will also create an academic pool of knowledge on data analysis, public impact strategies, development of regulatory protocols and even space law. This is an attempt to get a holistic approach to the event.

However, attempts to create such recommendations were made even before the efforts of the University of St. Andrews. In 1989, the SETI community drafted the agreed protocols of the “first contact”. They were revised in 2010, but still had “unfulfilled aspirations” and only general methods of holding the event without details. Considering what the SETI community is currently working on, humanity should already have a clear plan for the “first contact” in order to be ready for such a historic event.

Earlier we reported on how four evil civilizations can exist in the Milky Way.

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