Satellite shows a damaged Russian radar 1,800 km from the border with Ukraine

Satellite images of the Russian radar station in the Orenburg Oblast have appeared. The Russian radar was located at a distance of 1,800 km from the border with Ukraine, but this did not save it from being hit by drones of Ukraine’s HUR Military Intelligence.

Satellite image of the Voronezh-M radar station. Source:

Satellite photos of the radar

On May 27, satellite photos of the Russian Voronezh-M radar station appeared on the Internet. They belong to the American company Planet Labs, and their project was published by Radio Liberty Schemes (Skhemy). The photo shows black marks on the ground, which are evidence of an explosion and fire.

The Voronezh-M radar station is located at a distance of 1,800 km from Ukraine in the Orenburg Oblast. However, this did not at all save it from defeat by the Ukrainian defense forces. Reports that it was struck appeared on May 26.

According to reports, the defeat was carried out with the help of drones of Ukraine’s HUR Military Intelligence. At the same time, it has not yet been reported about whether they were launched from the territory of Ukraine, or from a much shorter distance.

Photo of the radar from May 26. Source:

Why is this radar important

Voronezh-M is a station for over-the-horizon detection of aerial targets. It is designed to detect aircraft, ballistic and cruise missiles at a distance of hundreds of thousands of kilometers from the borders of Russia. All radars of this type are stationary, that is, in fact, they are buildings and their coordinates are known in advance.

At the same time, Russia has several such stations. They form a long-range target detection network. With the loss of several of them, the aggressor country may experience partial strategic blindness. It will lose the ability to effectively identify threats to itself.

There are several other similar stations relatively close to the border of Ukraine. If they are also hit, then Russia’s strategic capabilities will decrease even more. However, to do this, it must be possible to freely hit targets deep in its territory.

According to