When the James Webb Space Telescope discovered numerous Jupiter-sized objects moving in space outside the orbit of stars, a Mexican scientific group decided to investigate the signals they emitted. It turns out that one of these objects, named JuMBO 24, emits radio waves.

Last autumn, astronomers from the European Space Agency (ESA) published an article about objects they called Jupiter-mass binary objects (JuMBO). These planet-like objects, discovered with the help of James Webb, seemed to orbit the Orion nebula.
The National Autonomous University of Mexico decided to check whether JuMBOs emit radio waves. With the help of the archives of the National Radio Astronomy Observatory of the USA, they confirmed that JuMBO 24 really emits radio signals.
Even if JuMBO 24 is not a pair of planets, but another type of space duo, the signals from it are still unusual. The peculiarity of JuMBOs is that this pair of objects has the largest mass and the closest location to each other. The radio emission of JuMBO 24 differs from the usual planetary signals and has a stable shape, which makes it difficult to determine its origin.

Mexican researchers believe that there is only one chance in 10,000 that this radio emission is not related to JuMBO 24. Although extraterrestrial origin is ruled out, the strangeness of these objects leaves many unsolved questions.
According to the results of the research of JuMBO 24, carried out with the help of the James Webb Telescope, there are more questions than answers. Mexican astrophysicists hope that their further research will help uncover the mystery of JuMBO radio signals and figure out why some objects emit radio signals and others do not.
As research has stalled, the team is turning to the NRAO’s Very Large Array in New Mexico to collect data from these “lonely” planets. Until then, the radio signals will remain an unsolved mystery.
Earlier, we reported on how astronomers confirmed the “orphanhood” of six exoplanets.
According to livescience.com
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