Life in a stellar maternity hospital (photo)

The Hubble Mission Support Team has released an impressive new image. This time, the space telescope photographed the region of active star formation, known under the designation G35.2-0.7N.

Active star formation region G35.2-0.7N (Hubble photo). Source: ESA/Hubble & NASA, R. Fedriani, J. Tan

The region G35.2-0.7N is located at a distance of 7,200 light-years from Earth in the direction of the constellation Aquila. The Hubble image shows a lot of bright blue stars and dense gas-dust clouds, from which jets of matter of various colors come out.

The stars forming inside G35.2-0.7N are so massive that they will end their lives in the form of rapid (by astronomical standards) destructive supernova outbursts. However, even in the process of their formation, they already have a significant impact on the environment. At least one newborn star of spectral class B is hiding in the area depicted in the image. Such luminaries occupy the second place in the list of the largest stars in the Universe.

A huge luminary hidden in the interior of this stellar maternity hospital is a source of powerful polar jets. They pass through the surrounding matter, disturbing and ionizing it.

This jet is visible as a small bright orange stripe in the Hubble image. In fact, this is a cavity in the dust, cut out by a jet moving towards us. Breaking through the dust cocoon, the jet highlights the protostar, but there is still so much dust that its light has “reddened” to a fiery orange. A massive protostar is located in the bottom-left corner of this cavity.

Earlier we talked about how Hubble photographed the Soul Nebula.

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