Hubble showed the consequences of the explosive activity of a young star

The presented image was taken by the WFC3 camera mounted on the Hubble Space Telescope. It demonstrates the young stellar object IRAS 05506+2414.

A newborn star surrounded by a cloud of ejected matter. Source: ESA/Hubble & NASA, R. Sahai

IRAS 05506+2414 is located at a distance of 9 thousand light-years from Earth in the direction of the constellation Taurus. It was formed as a result of an explosion produced by a newborn star. 

Young luminaries are surrounded by gas-dust disks. As a rule, they emit part of their substance in the form of two jets. However, IRAS 05506+2414 was formed as a result of a much more powerful explosive event that threw matter in different directions. According to astronomers, its speed is 350 km/s.

While the researchers could estimate the approximate speed of the material’s spread, measuring the distance to IRAS 05506+2414 was much more difficult. That’s why they used Hubble. Having received the necessary data, they will now be able to correctly determine the brightness of the newborn star, the amount of energy emitted by it and the mass. In turn, this will shed light on the mechanism that led to such an unusual manifestation of activity.

Recently, we also talked about how Hubble photographed an intermediate spiral galaxy with an active core.

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