Hearse rocket explodes a few seconds after launch: Video

A small rocket of the space memorial service Celestis failed. A few seconds after the launch, it exploded over the New Mexico desert. The purpose of the space launch was to bring 120 cremated remains and DNA samples of various celebrities and even a NASA astronaut into space, KVIA reports. After an unsuccessful launch, the company is in a hurry to fix an unpleasant situation.

This is a very bad “advertisement” for a company which space funeral services are not cheap. Although Celestis assured that the remains had already been found and there would be a second attempt to launch them again later. 

Before the launch, Celestis teamed up with rocket startup UP Aerospace from Colorado. But in a matter of seconds after the launch, the six-meter SpaceLoft XL rocket exploded. The carrier transported the remains of Philip Chapman, a NASA astronaut who worked as a researcher on the Apollo 14 mission of the Space Agency to the Moon in 1971, as well as the remains of chemist Louise Ann O’Dean. 

Celestis’ SpaceLoft XL rocket

“Despite the fact that the rocket was destroyed during the flight, the care and professionalism of our launch service provider — UP Aerospace — ensured that the Celestis payload would remain intact. All 120 capsules with ashes withstood the explosion; they are now safe. They are ready for the next flight as soon as UP Aerospace and Spaceport America complete the investigation and make all necessary amendments to avoid such incidents,” Celestis CEO Charles Chafer said after the accident.

Celestis has been operating since the 1990s. For more than 30 years, the company has made 17 memorial space flights, one of which was sent to the Moon. In addition to the remains, the rocket was also packed with 13 payloads from NASA TechRise Student Challenge, which were collected by middle and high school students.

“Customers will be offered a free re-flight in accordance with their contract with us during the next Earth Rise mission called Perseverance Flight,” Celestis promised on its Facebook page.

Earlier we reported on the most unusual space services.

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