Found two super-Earths near the red dwarf

Using data from the TESS telescope, an international team of researchers has discovered two previously unknown super-Earths. They orbit the star TOI-2095, which is relatively close to the Solar System.

The red dwarf in the artist’s image. Source: NASA

TOI-2095 is located 137 light-years from Earth. It is a red dwarf that has a mass and radius of 44% of the mass and radius of the Sun.

During the analysis of the TESS telescope data, astronomers were able to detect periodic decreases in the brightness of TOI-2095. They correspond to the transits of two exoplanets orbiting the red dwarf. Observations made with the help of other observatories have confirmed their existence.

The orbit of the inner exoplanet passes at a distance of about 0.1 au from the star. Its radius exceeds the radius of our planet by 25%, while its mass is estimated at 4.1 Earth masses. The equilibrium surface temperature of the exoplanet is 74 °C.

The second exoplanet is 33% larger than our planet. Its mass is 7.4 Earth masses, while the equilibrium temperature is estimated at 26 °C. Thus, its orbit passes in the habitable zone. In the presence of suitable atmospheric conditions, liquid water can exist on the surface of this super-Earth. This makes it a very promising candidate for further research, including using the James Webb Telescope.

You can also read about how James Webb proved the possibility of the formation of exoplanets in the era of “cosmic noon”.

According to

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