The launch of a private Chinese rocket has failed

The launch of the Hyperbola-1 rocket built by the Chinese company i-Space has failed. This was reported by the Xinhua news agency. 

The Hyperbola-1 rocket. Source: I-Space

The Hyperbola-1 rocket is 24 metres long and weighs 42 tonnes (when refuelled). It consists of three solid and one liquid stages and can launch up to 300 kg of payload into a 500-kilometre sun-synchronous orbit.

In 2019, Hyperbola-1 allowed i-Space to write its name in the history of space as the first private Chinese company to launch a cargo into orbit. However, the rocket was notoriously unreliable. Of the six launches that took place between 2019 and 2023, only three were successful. Because of this, i-Space specialists had to make a number of changes to the design of the launch vehicle to improve its reliability.

But apparently, the measures taken were not very effective. According to the Chinese media, the seventh launch of the rocket, which took place on 10 July, failed again. It is not reported what caused the new accident, or at what part of the flight it occurred. It is known that the rocket was carrying three weather satellites.

Earlier, we told you about how the first stage of another Chinese private rocket flew out of a test stand and crashed near residential areas.

Based on materials from