Space Coalition of 40 countries: Lithuania joined the Artemis Accords

Lithuania has officially joined the Artemis Accords. Thus, the total number of participants in the US-led space coalition has grown to 40 states. 

What are the Artemis Accords?

The Artemis Accords are a series of bilateral agreements between the U.S. government and other countries based on the 1967 Outer Space Treaty. They define the basic principles of cooperation that should be followed in outer space and on various bodies of the Solar System. They cover a wide range of different issues, from the exchange of scientific data to the use of space resources and coordination of activities.

The ceremony of Lithuania’s accession to the Artemis Accords. Source: Lithuanian Innovation Agency

The ceremony of Lithuania’s accession to the Aсcords was held in Vilnius. It was attended by U.S. Ambassador Kara C. McDonald and Lithuanian Minister of Energy and Innovation Aušrinė Armonaitė. She made the following statement:

The Lithuanian space sector has been growing steadily, with our innovative companies working in this field making significant strides. The Artemis Accords mark a new chapter and chart a course for future space exploration, underscoring our commitment to a responsible, sustainable, and cooperative presence in space.

In turn, NASA Deputy Administrator Pam Melroy noted that we lived in the golden age of space and the days when one country mastered it alone were over.

China against Artemis

After Lithuania joined, the number of participants in the Artemis Accords has increased to 40 countries. The list includes the USA, Canada, Australia, Brazil, Argentina, India, Japan, South Korea, Saudi Arabia, as well as all the leading European countries, including Ukraine. It is expected that new countries may join them in the near future. 

The countries that joined the Artemis Accords as of May 16, 2024. Source: wikipedia

It is worth noting that formally the Accords are not legally binding. But it is easy to see that they outline a circle of countries that share common values and follow a common civilizational path.

The countries that joined the Accord on Participation in the construction project of the International Lunar Research Station as of May 16, 2024. Source: wikipedia

It is not surprising that China tries to create its own space coalition in opposition to the United States. This activity is carried out within the framework of the Accord on Participation in the construction project of the International Lunar Research Station. At the moment, 11 countries have joined it. In addition to China, these are Russia, Venezuela, Belarus, South Africa, Azerbaijan, Thailand, Egypt, Pakistan, Nicaragua and Serbia.

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