Scientists have solved where the high-speed cloud of gas called MI came from. In their opinion, its source could be a supernova explosion that occurred about 100 thousand years ago. But whether all such objects were formed in this way remains unknown.

High-speed gas cloud named MI
Scientists from the University Space Research Association decided to investigate a high-speed cloud of gas called MI. It really has a speed that is very different from other objects orbiting the center of the Milky Way.
They were able to determine exactly what the high-speed gas cloud is 532 light-years away from us. In addition, scientists have studied its internal structure and found that there is a cavity inside. The cause of its formation could be a supernova outbreak.
Astronomers have found that the giant 56 of the Ursa Major is located near this cavity. It forms a binary system with another very small object. Astronomers have suggested that it could be a neutron star, and it was the explosion that gave rise to it about 100 thousand years ago that is responsible for the speed of MI.
Mystery of high-speed gas clouds
Scientists have been unable to find an explanation for the reasons for the appearance of high-speed gas clouds for quite a long time. Galaxy models show that most of them are located away from the disk plane in the galactic halo region. In addition, it is still believed that supernova explosions, although they can accelerate astronomical objects, are still too weak to be the cause of their rapid movement.
Establishing the cause of MI may explain how a high-speed gas cloud generally occurs. It is quite possible that we simply do not see supernova remnants near other similar objects due to the great distance to them.
In the end, astronomers are also confident about the origin in relation to MI only because the supernova that formed it belongs to a binary system. Or it may happen that it refers to the rare exceptions that really occur during supernova explosions. And the rest of the high-speed gas clouds are formed in some other way.
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