NASA satellites observed a fire at Russian missile depot

NASA, a service that tracks wildfires using satellites, has detected numerous powerful heat sources near the town of Toropets in Russia’s Tver region. It is reported that there is a mix of missiles hit by a Ukrainian drone. It is also known about earthquakes recorded in the area.

Fire at the 107th Arsenal. Source:

Fire at a Russian missile depot

There is an overestimated heat activity in the Tver region of Russia. It is clearly visible on NASA’s FIRMS portal. This service constantly receives information from satellites about forest fires around the world. At one time, it helped assess the damage to Ukrainian agriculture from Russian shelling.

The current activity in the Tver region is also related to the Russian-Ukrainian war. After all, fire points are recorded near the town of Toropets. The 107th Arsenal of the Main Missile and Artillery Department of the army of the aggressor country is located here. It was started to be built in 2018. 

The fact that something unusual is happening in the Tver region is also evidenced by another scientific instrument — the NORSAR system. It recorded two earthquakes in the Tver region — magnitude 2.8 at 05:00 a.m. and 2.5 at 06:00 a.m.

Ukrainian drone attack

According to reports, up to 240 tons of ammunition could be stored at the 107th Arsenal. These are mostly missiles for Grad multiple launch rocket systems and S-300 and S-400 air defense systems. However, manufactured Iskander ballistic missiles were also stored there. According to Ukrainian sources, they have also started to create a reserve of supplies received from North Korea.

Obviously, the earthquakes that are recorded in the seismically stable Tver region could be the result of detonation of these missiles due to fire. But about the fire itself, it gets much more interesting. Local or central Russian authorities haven’t commented on the situation in any way, but there are already numerous reports that the missiles were attacked by Ukrainian drones.

“Russia’s demilitarization is necessary to stop terror,” Andrii Yermak, head of the Office of the President of Ukraine, reacted to the situation. Meanwhile, the evacuation of the population in the Tver region is in full progress. Photos of the explosion and the windows of local residents’ homes blown out by it are being published.

According to