On 30 May, New Yorkers will be able to observe the first Manhattanhenge in 2024. This is the name given to the beautiful phenomenon when the Sun sets right in the middle of the streets running from east to west of Manhattan Island. But why is this event so popular and who coined the term “Manhattanhenge” in the first place? Let’s find out.
Why does Manhattanhenge appear?
Unlike many cities, which were built up rather chaotically, buildings in Manhattan are located in accordance with the master plan adopted in 1811. In fact, we have a huge grid of parallel streets that perpendicularly cross the avenues. As a result, Manhattan can be a kind of seen through.
Manhattanhenge. Source: orbitaltoday.com
The island itself stretches from northeast to southwest. It turns out that the city grid is tilted by about 29° to the meridians. That’s why several times a year in Manhattan, you can see the sun setting or rising right in the middle of streets.
Where did the term “Manhattanhenge” come from?
Manhattanhenge was popularised by astrophysicist Neil deGrasse Tyson. He first described this event in an article published in 1997 in the Natural History journal. The term itself appeared a few years later and refers to Stonehenge. This structure is known for the fact that on the day of the summer solstice, the Sun rises behind the so-called Heel Stone in the northeastern part of the horizon and its first rays illuminate the heart of the ancient megalith.
Sunrise on the day of the summer solstice at Stonehenge
According to Tyson, he also coined the term “Manhattanhenge”. The astrophysicist was inspired by his youthful memories. At the age of 15, he visited Stonehenge during an expedition led by Gerald Hawkins, the scientist who first suggested that this place was not an ancient sanctuary but an astronomical observatory. Tyson remembered the trip so much that, thinking about the sunrise and sunset in Manhattan, he decided to pay homage to it.
Why is Manhattan Bridge so popular?
It’s simple — it’s very beautiful. When the Sun sets exactly in the middle of a street surrounded by skyscrapers, it creates the illusion of a kind of stone canyon and looks very impressive in photographs. Not surprisingly, the event attracts a lot of people — both locals and tourists — who are looking for the most photogenic places.
Manhattanhenge. Source: rove.me
When you can see Manhattanhenge
If the rectangular grid of Manhattan were oriented strictly north-east, Manhattanhenge would coincide with the equinoxes. However, it is rotated. Therefore, Manhattanhenge can be seen approximately 21 days before and after the summer solstice. In 2024, these are 30 May and 11 July, respectively.
Reverse Manhattanhenge. Source: Getty Images
The day before the first full Manhattanhenge and the day after the second, you can also see a half-sun: this is when half of the solar disc is still above the horizon and the other half is already below. In addition, in December and January, you can also observe the so-called reverse or winter Manhattanhenge, when the Sun rises instead of setting. However, it is much less popular with the public than the summer Manhattanhenge.
Are there any analogues of Manhattanhenge?
Of course, there are. Similar phenomena, when the Sun sets or rises exactly in the middle of the street, can be observed in cities with similar rectangular planning.
Manhattanhenge. Source: rove.me
However, Manhattan has several important advantages that make it so popular — the presence of really tall buildings that create the effect of a huge canyon, as well as a clear view of the horizon outside the city grid, which is provided by the Hudson River. And, of course, the incomparably large number of people who admire the event and then post beautiful photos on social media.
. Engineer, specialising in aircraft development and turbulence research, PhD student in aviation. Since childhood, I have been fascinated by space and science fiction, and have always wanted to take part in the development of air and space. I work with innovative engineering solutions for the development of aviation. As part of the Universe Space Tech team of authors, I strive to help people better understand complex processes and inspire them to make bold discoveries.I am fascinated by the latest technologies and their impact on the strategic situation in the modern world. I have always been interested in military topics, which over the years has grown into a desire to explore powerful innovations in the defense sphere. In my materials, I try to show deep technical aspects, explaining complex concepts in an accessible and exciting way. I review the most advanced developments and systems, and analyze their impact and prospects.A passion for astronomy has become a part of my life since my childhood. I greatly believe that this incredible science, when once captured, doesn't let go. My main field of research interest is variable stars, and in this area I have achieved significant results, making several important discoveries and publishing about 30 scientific papers. In the Universe Space Tech team, I work as a science editor and contributor, dedicated to advancing the knowledge of astronomy to a wider audience.Studying space engineering and starting my journey in the aerospace industry. All of this I do to pursue astronautics professionally. I am engaged in popularization of science and astronautics, because I also got into this sphere thanks to popularizers.Cand. Sc. History. I study the material and spiritual culture of Polischuk (ethnographic group), the folk knowledge of the Ukrainians, the origin, culture and life of the Ukrainian nobility. Work as Deputy Director for Scientific Work of the State Scientific Centre for Protection of Cultural Heritage from Technogenic Disasters.Since childhood, I've been fascinated by astronomy, and dreamed of working in the media. In 2021, these interests came together when I joined the Universe Space Tech teamI'm fascinated by science and human in the Universe. I have a technical and humanitarian education: I graduated from the Faculty of Applied Mathematics and Informatics at Lviv University and studied journalism at UCU. I especially love exploring the physics of everyday things and the history of space exploration. And it is my belief that anyone can understand even the most complex scientific theories if they are properly explained.Create videos for Universe Space Tech. Graduated from KPI, because Serhii Korolov studied there. Since childhood, I have been interested in space and astronomy. I am sure that science can be fun and interesting.Universe Space Tech teamKnowledge is the guiding light that paves the way for a society's success and prosperity. Within The Universe Space Tech, I find inspiration in our mission to bring space exploration to the forefront and discuss groundbreaking scientific advancements. It's evident that the future hinges on technological advancements, and space exploration consistently poses us with ambitious challenges and tasks of unparalleled complexity.When I got an encyclopedia about the Universe into my hands in my childhood. Enthusiastically read the materials of the popular science publication. I was especially surprised by such poorly studied objects as black holes, quasars, dark matter and dark energy. Every time I opened another book about space, I disappeared there for several hours, wondering how many interesting things there were in the world. In this way, the hobby gradually developed into the profession of an editor on The Universe. Space. Tech, where I have met with like-minded people and an audience eager to explore the Universe with us. It is a real pleasure for me to convey complex information to people in a simple way in a popular science format.