Hubble photographed the galaxy in the constellation Grus

This beautiful image, published on the Hubble mission website, captures the spiral galaxy NGC 7496. It is located at a distance of 24 million light-years from the Milky Way in the constellation Grus.

Galaxy NGC 7496 (image by Hubble). Source: ESA/Hubble & NASA, J. Lee and the PHANGS-HST Team

Like our Milky Way, NGC 7496 has a bar. This is the name of the structure consisting of stars and gas in the galactic center, from which spiral arms “grow”. Only two of the three spiral galaxies have a bar. Astronomers believe that such structures are the most important “transport artery” redirecting matter to the galactic center. There it becomes a building material for new luminaries or is absorbed by a supermassive black hole.

NGC 7496 confirms this rule. Hubble’s image shows many bright clusters of newly formed stars adorning its spiral arms. And the core of NGC 7496 shows increased activity, indicating the processes of absorption of matter by a black hole.

As we have already said, NGC 7496 is located in the constellation Grus. It is part of a group of four constellations known collectively as the Southern Birds. Its members are also the constellations of Peacock (Pavo), Phoenix (Phoenix) and Toucan (Tucana). But these are not all “bird” names in the sky. There are also constellations of eagle (Aquilla), swan (Cygnus), crow (Corvus), and dove (Columba).

You can also look at the Hubble telescope’s image of a “hidden” star cluster.

According to

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