On the night of May 18-19, residents of Spain and Portugal were able to witness a rare sight: the fall of a very bright blue-green bolide, which rapidly swept across the sky. Later it turned out that its source was a body with a diameter of 0.5 – 1 meter that entered the Earth’s atmosphere, moving at a speed of 45 km/s.
According to ESA researchers, the space visitor was a fragment of a comet. It burned down completely in the sky over the Atlantic Ocean at an altitude of about 60 km.
Shortly after the fall of the bolide, social networks were flooded with a lot of videos on which you can see its flight. Some were taken by video recorders, others by surveillance cameras, and others by random eyewitnesses who were filming at that moment. But one record made in Portugal attracted the users of the World Wide Web the most. It depicts geese that looked at the sky in a puzzled way at the moment of the flight of the bolide.
A group of ducks in Portugal witnessed the meteor while on Twitch pic.twitter.com/DL5YEr9lf9
— Dexerto (@Dexerto) May 21, 2024
The recording became viral and instantly spread across the Internet. Soon, numerous users began to create various art with birds looking at a meteor. Many have drawn obvious parallels with dinosaurs, who 65 million years ago looked at the sky in the same way in disbelief.

However, there was some contradiction, which perfectly illustrates the state of modern media. Despite the fact that geese clearly appear on the recording, it is written in the original video that they are ducks. And therefore, the bulk of the art is accompanied by the tag #meteorducks — although of course there were many users who noticed this discrepancy.
In any case, all this does not detract from the talent of their authors, who managed to give us a little joy and warmth. Here are some of the best works collected from the vastness of the World Wide Web.