Black Hole Week: Hubble sends a stunning photo of NGC 4395 core

A spiral galaxy of the SBm NGC 4395 type is located 14 million light-years from Earth in the constellation Canes Venatici. The galaxy is famous there, having an insanely bright active galactic nucleus. In honor of Black Hole Week, NASA has published a new photo of NGC 4395 taken by the Hubble telescope

The central region of NGC 4395. Image Source: NASA, ESA, DSS

The active nucleus at the center of galaxies such as NGC 4395 is home to black holes. In a new image of the central region of the galaxy, astronomers were able to get a good look at the bright nuclei spreading radiation throughout the galaxy.

A new photo of NGC 4395 from the Hubble telescope shows that the galaxy has a much lower luminosity compared to other galaxies of this type. Inside the galaxy is a supermassive black hole, estimated with a mass of more than 10 thousand times that of our Sun.

An enlarged image of the galaxy shows the central region of NGC 4395. Image Source: NASA, ESA, DSS

But the uniqueness of NGC 4395 does not end there. This galaxy is actually a dwarf, which lacks the expressive bulge that is present in the center of many other galaxies of this type. Hubble took several photos of NGC 4395, including some of its spiral arms, showing the beauty and uniqueness of the galaxy. 

Studying galaxies like NGC 4395 is also important because they help astronomers better understand black holes and the role they play in our Universe. Although we still don’t know a lot about these mysterious and creepy space objects, each observation reveals new data that astronomers can use. 

Earlier we reported on how NASA asked private space companies to save Hubble.

According to NASA

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