Becoming an astronaut by chance and the return of Futurama: the main space premieres of July

July 2024 is just around the corner — and with it, the releases of new films and TV series. The Universe Space Tech team have some words to tell you about the most interesting space premieres of the month.

Space Cadet

What is the movie about?

Rex, a party girl from Florida, turns out to be the only hope for NASA’s space program after a lucky break gets her into a training program with other candidates who may have better CVs but don’t have her mind, heart, and wit.

Why it might be interesting

Usually, space-themed films have quite serious plots. Space Cadet is a film of a completely different category. According to the creators, it was supposed to be a light comedy aimed at a young audience. Another advantage of the film is the presence of the charming Emma Roberts starring.

A still from the Space Cadet movie

We will find out how much their expectations will be met very soon. Space Cadet will be released on Amazone Prime on 4 July.

Fly Me to the Moon

What is the movie about?

In the context of the space race between the USSR and the US, NASA hires marketers to “sell” the moon landing to the public, as well as come up with an alternative plan if the Apollo 11 mission fails. Experts propose to make a fake video with the landing of American astronauts on the moon.

Why it might be interesting

The Moon Race and related conspiracy theories have become the basis for many different works. The authors of Fly Me to the Moon also used them as a source of inspiration, though in a somewhat unexpected way. After all, the film is primarily a romantic comedy.

A still from Fly Me to the Moon movie

The plot of Fly Me to the Moon focuses on the relationship between a NASA employee, played by Channing Tatum, and a marketing specialist, played by Scarlett Johansson. The two share a spark, but their work quickly leads them to disagreements that threaten to destroy their relationship.

The presence of this spark between Tatum and Johansson on the big screen is likely to determine the film’s success. Both are very popular actors, but the rom-com genre hasn’t had the best of times lately. It will become known on 12 July, the date of the film’s premiere, whether Fly Me to the Moon will be able to reverse this trend.


What is the series about?

The continuation of the cult animated series about pizza deliveryman Fry, who was accidentally frozen in a cryogenic chamber and unfrozen a thousand years later. In the new season, the heroic team will embark on a new dizzying journey that includes deadly birthday games, secrets of the Benders’ home village of robots, AI friends (and enemies), and the next chapter of Fry and Leela’s fateful, time-traveling romance.

Why it might be interesting

The name Futurama has long been a household name. The series, which was released at the end of the last century, has long had a loyal army of fans. Even those who haven’t watched it have probably come across the various memes it has generated online (the famous “Shut up and take my money!” is worth a look).

A still from Futurama TV series

During its existence, Futurama has been closed twice and then revived. The first time it happened was in 2008, when the series was renewed by the ComedyCentral network. Now Futurama owes its new resurrection to the Hulu video service. In 2023, it released the first ten episodes of the series’ new season. In July 2024, Hulu will start showing the next 10 episodes.

The first half of the new season of Futurama was generally well received by critics. However, fans were divided in their opinions. Some noted that the series had lost its innovation, and its humour had become much blander and softer. The creators had a whole year to work on their mistakes. Soon we will know the result. The new episodes of Futurama will start airing on 29 July.

The Abandon

What is the movie about?

Wounded American soldier Miles Willis wakes up after seeing a blinding white light and discovers that he is locked in a mysterious cube. The situation escalates when the cube begins to change, with sudden changes in gravity and mysterious inscriptions on the walls.

Why it might be interesting

The trailer for The Abandon looks like a mixture of films like The Cube and Source Code. As in both films, the protagonist is locked in a strange place, and it is unclear how he got there. Perhaps he was the victim of some kind of experiment. Or perhaps he was abducted by aliens, as indicated by changes in gravity. In any case, the protagonist now needs to find a way to get out.

A still from The Abandon movie

The advantage of such films is that they usually have a very exciting opening. The filmmakers make the intrigue as intense as possible, adding a lot of strange phenomena to the plot and posing a riddle to the audience, which they then try to solve together with the protagonist. But the final result in such cases always depends on how interesting the answer is.

Let’s hope that the filmmakers of The Abandon managed to come up with something really incredible to solve the film. The film will be released in theatres on 19 July, and its video release is scheduled for 30 July.