Frank Herbert wrote a unique work that was ahead of its time and became one of the most famous science fiction novels of the XX century. The author has created a huge multidimensional and complex world in which the problems of politics, religion, ecology, evolution, history, economics, psychology are raised with truly bright charismatic characters. It is not surprising that this book has become an inspiration for many artists to create images from the Dune universe. We offer to look at and compare the illustrations to the work, as well as to trace how these images are embodied in the cinema.
A desert key planet in the Dune universe. The name comes from the Arabic word ar-rāqiṣ — “dancer”; another translation is “wandering camel”. The third planet of the Canopus system. It has two moons — Krelln and Arvon.
Arrakis is the only source of the drug Spice (melange). It is famous for giant sandworms that live in the desert. Residents are citizens and Fremen. Water is the highest value on Dune and costs even more than spice in the rest of the galaxy.

Baron Vladimir Harkonnen
A representative of House Harkonnen, ruler of the planet Giedi Prime. An obese, just huge, monstrously fat man who is supported by portable force field generators on a special belt so that he can carry his weight, which has reached at least two hundred kilograms. Black piggy eyes, swollen with fat. Plump lips. Pink cheeks, shaking when walking. Multiple chins. Fat hands and palms with thick fingers, usually studded with rings. Huge shoulders. The voice is a booming, thick bass.

Paul Atreides
According to Frank Herbert’s son, the House Atreides is copied from the ancient Greek house of Atreus (noble, but cursed), all the heroes of “Dune” are archetypes, and specifically Paul — the archetype of the “hero prince who marries the daughter of the king”.
According to the book, Paul is only 15 years old. This is a thin young man who looks younger than his age. He has his father’s raven-black hair, a thin nose, an oval face and green eyes that he inherited from his paternal grandfather.

Duke Leto Atreides
Known as the Red or Just Duke, and also the father of Paul Muad’Dib Atreides. The twentieth duke of House Atreides. The ruler of the planet Caladan, and then Arrakis. He is constantly at war with Baron Vladimir Harkonnen. Recognized as an impartial and compassionate leader. A tall, black-haired man with olive skin. He has a narrow angular face with a hawk nose and gray eyes. Killed because of the betrayal of the personal doctor of the Sukkah school of Wellington Yueh.

Lady Jessica
Official concubine of Duke Leto Atreides, illegitimate daughter of Baron Harkonnen, mother of Paul Atreides. She was brought up from birth by a Bene Gesserit. She had the skills of wrestling, hypnosis, and manipulation of people. She was very perceptive.
Lady Jessica is a tall, red-haired woman with an oval face. Green eyes, a small, slightly upturned nose and a wide mouth. When she was old, she had gray (silver-covered) hair.

Chani Kynes is a young Freeman, the lover, and then the mistress of Paul Atreides. Born on Arrakis. Daughter of planetologist Liet-Kynes and his wife Farula. She was a fighter and served under Naib Stilgar. Mother of twins Ghanima and Leto Atreides II. She is a very thin girl with an elven appearance, large dark blue eyes and long reddish hair.

Gaius Helen Mohiam
Reverend Mother of the Bene Gesserit Order, trained Lady Jessica. An old, overweight woman with shiny gray hair that could fall over her face, covering it like a hood. Because of the spice she was taking, her dark eyes shone blue. She has silver-metallic teeth and pale gums. The voice is harsh and rattling.

An animal of the planet Arrakis. It lives in huge deserts and sand dunes that stretch across its entire surface. It is an important part in the appearance of spice. It grows to a huge size, sometimes more than 400 m in length. It lives for a long time, unless it is killed by its own brethren. Water is the strongest poison for it.

Guild Navigator
The highest rank in the Space Guild. Once there were people who were affected by a huge amount of spice. Because of this, they artificially evolved, mutated and acquired a different, distinctive from human appearance. Navigators can successfully calculate the course of spaceships making interstellar flights.

Dune Architecture

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