A super-Earth with an ultrashort period of orbit is discovered

Using data collected by the TESS satellite, astronomers have discovered a new exoplanet with an ultrashort orbital period. A year on it lasts only 20 hours.

A hot super-Earth in the artist’s mind. Source: Dana Berry

The discovery was made during the study of the star TOI-1347, located 480 light-years from Earth. Like the Sun, it is a yellow dwarf. Its radius is about 0.83 solar and its mass is 0.91 solar masses. The age of the star is estimated at about 1.4 billion years. 

From time to time, the brightness of TOI-1347 decreases slightly. These drops in brightness are caused by transits of an exoplanet orbiting it, which has a radius about 1.8 times that of the Earth. Measurements of the radial velocity of the star made it possible to determine its mass. The exoplanet is 11.1 times more massive than our planet, which gives an average density of 9.9 g/cm3. So this is a super-Earth.

The newly discovered exoplanet makes one orbit around its star in just 20 hours and 20 minutes, and its equilibrium surface temperature is 1,130 °C. According to scientists, it may have an atmosphere with a high molecular weight, but this requires further confirmation, for example using the James Webb Telescope. 

The researchers also discovered a second exoplanet in this system. Its orbital period is 4.8 days, and its radius is 1.6 times that of Earth. The exact value of the mass is still unknown, but measurements of the radial velocity have established an upper limit of 6.4 Earth masses.

According to https://phys.org

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