Scientists find a way to predict the severest magnetic storms

The severest magnetic storms on Earth occur when our planet is reached by high-energy particles generated by a coronal mass ejection on the Sun. Scientists claim to have already learned how to predict these phenomena.

Scientists have learned how to predict coronal mass ejections. Source:

How to predict magnetic storms

Magnetic storms are a phenomenon of perturbation of our planet’s magnetosphere that disrupts electronics and radio communications, causing considerable damage. They’re caused by solar flares. And recently, scientists from Aberystwyth University said they knew how to predict the most powerful of them.

We’re talking about coronal mass ejections. These phenomena consist in the fact that during particularly strong reconnections of the Sun’s magnetic field force lines, more than just high-energy electrons and alpha particles are ejected into space. Giant pieces of plasma break off from the outer layers and fly away into space.

Of course, the emissions that pose the greatest danger to the Earth are those that fly directly toward us. Therefore, it is very important to know the speed with which the plasma breaks away from the surface of the Sun, and it can be different. However, scientists are convinced that they now know how to determine it even before the coronal mass ejection itself occurs.

What the research showed

The scientists’ statement is based on the results of their research. They studied the regions of the Sun in which coronal mass ejections are born. The scientists were interested in a parameter called “critical height.” It directly affects the strength of the magnetic field, and therefore the speed at which the plasma will be ejected from the surface of the luminary.

Physicists have studied the critical altitude after, during, and before a coronal mass ejection. And now they have established a pattern that allows them to predict the power of this phenomenon before it happens. Which means that magnetic storms on Earth are now much easier to predict.

However, scientists say the accuracy of the predictions still needs to be improved. To do this, they want to introduce another parameter into their equations — the strength of the magnetic field. So they must continue their research.

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