Mushroom cloud frightened residents of Zaporizhzhia (photo)

On June 17, a frightening-looking cloud, which resembles a mushroom, appeared in the sky above Zaporizhzhia. Fortunately, this phenomenon is purely natural in origin and weather related.

Anvil-shaped cloud over Zaporizhzhia. Source: Zaporizhzhia Regional Center for Hydrometeorology

Scientifically, such a cloud is called Cumulonimbus incus, which translates to an anvil cloud. It is formed when a large mass of warm air rises to a significant height and reaches the tropopause — the boundary between the troposphere and the stratosphere. Upon reaching the tropopause, the cloud stops growing and due to strong winds at this altitude begins to blur, forming a shape resembling an anvil or a mushroom.

Anvil-shaped cloud over Zaporizhzhia. Source: Zaporizhzhia Regional Center for Hydrometeorology

Since the density of warm air is less than cold air, downward flows of cooler air are formed in the anvil. When they reach the ground, they can cause weather events such as thunderstorms, hail and squalls.

Earlier we told you about how an interstellar cloud could trigger the beginning of an ice age on Earth.