Minus four fighters and a fuel depot: Satellites photograph destroyed Russian aircraft

Christian Tribert, a reporter from The New York Times visual investigation team, published images taken by the Maxar satellite. They demonstrate the destroyed Russian aircraft at the Belbek Airbase.

Satellite image of the destroyed Russian aircraft at the Belbek Airbase. Source: Maxar

Ukrainian Armed Forces attacked Belbek for two nights. ATACAMS missiles were used for strikes. Russian officials and propagandists have traditionally stated that the air defense forces have successfully intercepted all missiles. However, satellite images suggest otherwise.

Satellite image of the destroyed Russian aircraft at Belbek Airbase. Source: Maxar

In the photos published by Christian Tribert, you can see at least three completely destroyed aircraft. These are two MiG-31 fighters and one Su-27. One MiG-29 was also seriously damaged. 

Satellite image of a damaged Russian aircraft at Belbek Airbase. Source: Maxar

In addition to the aircraft, the missiles also hit the fuel depot. It remained on fire at the time of the capture. There is also evidence that the S-400 Triumf air defense system was destroyed during the attack.

Satellite image of the destroyed fuel depot at Belbek Airbase. Source: Maxar

Belbek Airbase is of strategic importance for providing aviation support in the south of Ukraine and over the Black Sea. During the war, Ukrainian Armed Forces have attacked it with missiles and drones about ten times.

Earlier, we talked about how Russia uses a secret satellite to test components of space nuclear weapons.

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