Main astronomical events of October 2022

Undoubtedly, the main celestial event of October 2022 for Ukrainians will be a partial solar eclipse, which will be observed throughout our country, and its maximum phase in the eastern regions will be 67% (in the occupied territories — 68%). The sun at this time will be located at an altitude of 25 to 30°, and even in cloudy weather we will be able to notice how the daylight will dim slightly. A separate article on our website will be devoted to a detailed description of this event. We remind you that looking at the Sun with an unprotected eye or through a telescope not equipped with an appropriate filter is by no means FORBIDDEN!

The maximum phase of a partial solar eclipse on October 25 in Kyiv

October 3

  • The Moon is in the phase of the first quarter

October 4

  • The Moon is at perigee, 369 334 km from the center of the Earth

October 5

  • The Moon is 5° south of Saturn (0.5ᵐ)

October 8

  • Mercury in the greatest western elongation (18.0°)
  • The Moon is 4° south of Neptune (7,8ᵐ)

October 9

  • The Moon is 4° south of Jupiter (-2.9ᵐ)
  • Full moon
  • Maximum activity of the Draconid meteor shower (up to 30 meteors per hour)

October 12

  • The Moon is 2° west of Uranus (5,7ᵐ)

October 15

  • The Moon is 3° north of Mars (-0.9ᵐ)

October 17

  • The Moon is in the last quarter phase
  • The Moon is at its apogee, 404 330 km from the center of the Earth

October 21

  • The Moon is 5° east of Regulus (α Leo, 1,3ᵐ)
  • Maximum activity of the Orionid meteor shower (up to 25 meteors per hour)

October 23

  • Venus is in upper conjunction with the Sun

October 24

  • The Moon is 5° west of Mercury (-1.0ᵐ)

October 25

New moon. Partial solar eclipse (visible in Ukraine, maximum phase in Kyiv 61%)

October 28

The Moon is 5° east of Antares (α Scorpius, 1.0ᵐ)

October 29

The Moon is at perigee, 368 287 km from the center of the Earth

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