Laser signal from Mars orbit: Psyche spacecraft updates optical communication range record

The Psyche spacecraft has broken the laser communication range record. It sent a message to Earth from a distance comparable to the distance to Mars. 

The Psyche apparatus in an artist’s impression. Source: NASA/JPL-Caltech/ASU

The Psyche mission was launched in 2023. Its main task is to explore the metallic asteroid Psyche. According to one of the hypotheses, it may be a fragment of the core of a dead protoplanet. Psyche is supposed to study the unusual celestial body and give an answer to the question of its origin.

In addition to this task, Psyche is also tasked with the function of a tester. NASA specialists installed an experimental optical communication system on board. Its main advantage over traditional radio communication is a much higher (10 to 100 times) data rate. Lasers can provide transmission of complex scientific information as well as high-definition images and video. This is especially important for the next phase of space exploration, when humans will go to the Moon and Mars and will need to send large amounts of data back to Earth quickly.

The first experiment with optical communication took place in December 2023. Then Psyche sent a 15-second video of a cat to Earth (it was uploaded to the device before launch). At the time of sending, the vehicle was at a distance of 31 million kilometers from our planet, the data transfer rate was 267 Mbps. This is a couple of orders of magnitude faster than using radio communication.

In April 2024, engineers conducted a new optical communication test. This time Psyche transmitted a message at a distance of 226 million kilometers from Earth. The data transfer rate exceeded the engineers’ expectations and reached 25 Mbps. Psyche reactivated the laser on July 29 when it was 460 million kilometers from Earth, which is comparable to the maximum distance between our planet and Mars. Once again, the data transfer rate exceeded the engineers’ expectations.

The mutual position of Psyche and Earth at the time of laser communication on July 29, 2024. Source: NASA/JPL-Caltech

This test completed the first phase of the test program. Psyche transmitted a total of 11 terabits of data during this test. After that, engineers shut down the optical communication system. It will be reactivated on November 4. This will prove that it can operate for at least a year. After testing the laser, engineers hope to continue operating it.

Recall that in May 2026, Psyche will perform a gravity maneuver in the vicinity of Mars. It will ensure that the spacecraft will enter orbit around Psyche in August 2029.

According to NASA