Firefly Aerospace may be sold for USD 1.5 billion

The private rocket company Firefly Aerospace may soon be sold for USD 1.5 billion. This is reported by sources close to its main investors. However, no final decisions have been made yet.

Launch of the Alpha rocket created by Firefly Aerospace. Source: PR Newswire

Firefly Aerospace may be sold for USD 1.5 billion

The American private company Firefly Aerospace, specializing in the creation of light rockets, may soon be sold. It was previously owned by Ukrainian businessman Max Polyakov. Now it is funded by a number of American companies.

In particular, these include AE Industrial Partners. Its representatives said in a private conversation that they considered a number of strategic initiatives for Firefly Aerospace, but asked not to publicly disclose the details of this case, since publicity could damage their plans. In particular, people who are involved in these processes talk about the amount of 1.5 billion dollars. 

At the same time, neither Firefly Aerospace nor AE Industrial Partners provide any comments at the official level. It seems that in the circles in which decisions are made, there is no final certainty about the need for a sale and everything can still end in nothing.

Financial interests of AE Industrial Partners

AE Industrial Partners invested USD 75 million in Firefly Aerospace Inc. in 2022. Then there was another round of cash injections in 2023. Then the rocket developer estimated it at USD 1.5 billion.

Investors have supported the company in making deals, including the acquisition in 2023 of Spaceflight Inc, a satellite developer and launch services broker. The main product of Firefly Aerospace is the disposable Alpha rocket.

Contracts have already been signed with NASA and the US Department of Defense for its launches. In addition, there are plans to send an automatic Blue Ghost probe with equipment from the American Space Agency to the Moon.

According to