Fire on the launch pad destroyed ABL Space rocket

ABL Space Systems reported a fire on the launch pad following a fire test of an RS1 rocket. It caused irreparable damage to the carrier.

RS1 rocket on the launch pad. Source: ABL Space

ABL Space was founded in 2017. Like many other “new space” companies, it has staked on the development of a small launch vehicle designed to put small cargoes into orbit. It has been given the name RS1. The rocket has a two-stage design and uses kerosene as fuel and liquid oxygen as oxidizer. The first stage is powered by nine E2 engines, which are the company’s own development. The second stage is equipped with a single power unit. RS1 can launch up to 1,350 kg of cargo into low orbits at an estimated cost of $12 million per launch.

back in 2021. But since then it has been postponed several times. This was caused by both the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic and technical problems. For example, in January 2022, the second stage of RS1 exploded during firing at the test site. Because of this, Amazon canceled its contract with ABL Space to launch the first Kuiper satellite prototypes and instead they traveled to space aboard an Atlas V rocket.

First launch of the RS1 rocket. Source: ABL Space

Finally, in January 2023, the company carried out the first launch of RS1. It took place from the spaceport on Kodiak Island (Alaska) and ended in failure. The rocket broke away from the launch table and began to gain altitude, but soon its engines shut down, after which it fell to the spaceport. The rocket’s fall resulted in a massive explosion that caused damage to nearby equipment and structures.

Despite this failure, the company’s specialists continued to finalize the rocket. In preparation for a new flight, they decided to conduct a static fire test of the RS1. It took place on July 19 and resulted in the loss of the rocket. According to the official report, a fire broke out on the launch pad after the fire test, causing irreparable damage to the RS1.

At this time, ABL Space has published no footage of the consequences of the fire, or provided any additional details of what happened. But clearly, the incident will be a big blow to the company, which is still trying to overcome its losing streak.