Elon Musk moves his headquarters due to ‘gender’ law

World-known businessman Elon Musk has announced that he is moving the headquarters of his space company SpaceX from California to Texas. He said the last straw in this decision was the law passed by the state’s leadership regarding gender issues, but at the same time it is clear that finance is also involved.

Elon Musk moves to Texas. Source: phys.org

SpaceX moves to Texas

American multi-billionaire Elon Musk has announced that he is moving the headquarters of his company SpaceX from Horton, California, where it has been located for many years. Now the home of Earth’s most important private company should be Austin, Texas, or rather a place called Starbase.

According to the businessman, the last straw that overflowed his patience was the law signed Monday by California Governor Gavin Newsom. It prohibits school districts from telling parents of students that their child changes gender identity.

According to Musk, one of the largest employers in California, he had already told Newsom a year ago that he was against these kinds of laws, because they force workers’ families to leave California. By the way, Musk’s other company, SpaceX, moved to the same Austin location back in 2021.

Other reasons to move

However, Musk admitted that it was not only gender issues that made him say goodbye to his almost native California. American states have the right to make their own laws, and Texas not only has no questionable, from a multi-billionaire’s point of view, family laws, but also no separate income tax.

Besides, Texas has long been as native to him as California. The company started moving its production facilities there several years ago because of the availability of cheap labor. Starship’s super rockets are launched from the company’s own spaceport on the coast of Boca Chica. It is located in the very south of the state.

According to phys.org