On July 22, residents of Paris witnessed a very beautiful celestial conjunction. The rising full Moon passed precisely through the center of the Olympic emblem on the Eiffel Tower.
This past full moon was called the Buck Moon. It comes from the Old Farmer’s Almanac, an agricultural publication in the United States in the 1930s. The name is attributed to the fact that during this period the antlers on the head of buck reach their largest size.
However, this is by no means the only name for the July full moon. The indigenous peoples of North America use the variants “Salmon” and ” Raspberry”. For the Chinese it is the “Hungry Ghost Moon”, for Wiccans it is the “Honey Full Moon”, and for people in the Southern Hemisphere, where it is mid-winter, it is the “Wolf Moon” or “Ice Moon”.
In any case, the rising full Moon perfectly complemented the composition of the five rings, making a wonderful gift for all sports fans. Recall that the opening ceremony of the XXXIII Summer Olympic Games will be held in the evening on July 26.
Earlier we told you about how an astrophotographer captured a huge plasma ejection on the Sun.