Blue Origin space tourists trapped after flight

Jeff Bezos’ private space company Blue Origin has made a successful crewed flight to the edge of space. However, at the end of the flight, it encountered an unexpected problem: annoying shrubs. The capsule with six passengers successfully landed on Earth. But it immediately got into a thicket of bushes in West Texas.

The video shows Blue Origin employees trying to cut down stubborn shrubs around the capsule. They brought a metal two-stage ladder to help the passengers down, but first they had to clear the place of vegetation. A few minutes later, the team set up a ladder, and the space tourists came out of the hatch.

The bush incident has become the butt of jokes on the Internet. A meme appeared on Reddit comparing the launch of a Blue Origin rocket and a capsule in a thicket of bushes. The caption to the meme was: “Who would win? Giant Dick Ship [versus] A Few Planty Bois?”

This flight made history thanks to crew member Ed Dwight, who at the age of 90 became the oldest astronaut in history. He was the first black astronaut candidate in the 1960s, but never flew into space. Sunday’s flight was his chance to try again.

The crew of the NS-25 mission found themselves trapped inside the New Shepard capsule. A frame from the video

After a two-year hiatus, the flight was an important success for Blue Origin. The company suspended its operations in 2022 due to a malfunction of the New Shepard rocket, which forced the capsule with NASA experiments to eject. Fortunately, there were no passengers on board.

The incident attracted the attention of the Federal Aviation Administration, which issued 21 recommendations, including redesigning some parts of the engine.

Earlier, we reported on how a space tourist shared his impressions of the flight to New Shepard.

According to